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Montana politics, elections and legislative news

Three Republicans enter the race for state auditor

Three Republicans entered their party’s primary race for the office of state auditor before the filing deadline earlier this week.

Steve Gunderson of Libby, John Jay Willoughby of Winston and Keith Brownfield of Miles City will compete with James Brown for the Republican nomination. Brown sits on the Public Service Commission and announced his candidacy in January.

Gunderson has represented the Libby area in the state house since 2017. Willoughby and Brownfield own insurance companies in Helena and Miles City respectively.

Democrat John Repke will face the winner of the Republican primary.

The state auditor regulates securities and insurance in Montana.

John joined the Montana Public Radio team in August 2022. Born and raised in Helena, he graduated from the University of Montana’s School of Media Arts and created the Montana history podcast Land Grab. John can be contacted at
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