Nurses, hospitals and other health care providers are holding a public forum on the proposed Senate health care bill Thursday, July 6 in Helena. It’s being put on by the Montana Nurses Association.
Vickie Byrd is the association's executive director.
"Many think that they want Obamacare to be repealed, but they don’t want their health benefits they have now under the Affordable Care Act repealed. So there’s a lot of misunderstanding, and we just want to be available to them to clear that up," Byrd says.
Byrd will be on a panel with the president of the Montana Hospital Association, the CEO of Benefis Health System, the director of the state health department and a vice president for Planned Parenthood of Montana.
The forum happens this Thursday, July 6 at 2 p.m. at the Lewis and Clark Library in Helena. A press release from the Montana Nurses Association has more details:
On Thursday, July 6th at 2:00 P.M., the Montana Nurses Association will host a public health care forum in the Large Meeting Room of the Lewis & Clark Library with Montanans, doctors, and health care professionals from the Montana Medical Association, Montana Hospital Association, Planned Parenthood of Montana, and the Benefis Health System to discuss the dangerous effects of the proposed Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) on Montana. This event will be moderated by Sheila Hogan, Director of the Montana Department of Health and Human Services, and is open to the public. The Montana Nurses Association, The Montana Medical Association, The Montana Hospital Association, Planned Parenthood of Montana, and the Benefis Health System all oppose the BCRA, and they WILL urge Montana’s elected representatives in Congress to vote against this legislation.
- Vicky Byrd, RN- Executive Director, Montana Nurses Association
- Dick Brown- President and CEO, Montana Hospital Association
- John Goodnow CEO, Benefis Health System
- Laura Terrill- Vice President of External Affairs, Planned Parenthood of Montana
- Sheila Hogan- Director, Montana Department of Health and Human Services
Public Health Care Forum to Discuss the Devastating Effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act on Montanans
Thursday, July 6th at 2:00 P.M.
Lewis & Clark Library
Large Meeting Room
120 S. Last Chance Gulch
Helena, MT 59601