The Confusing Petrophila is a moth that instead of laying its eggs on a terrestrial plant, dives into fast moving water (as deep as 15 feet) to lay eggs on algae and aquatic plants for its emerging caterpillars to eat.
Found all across the United States, the species Ponometia candefacta has evolved to have an unappealing appearance. If you came across it perched on a leaf, you might quickly turn your gaze to something else too.
A small spot of orange in the middle of the trail caught my eye. It wasn't a leaf or a berry; it was tiny and moving! As I neared the curious sight, I discovered it was a fuzzy caterpillar.
Instead of slipping on a cloak, two species of moths rely on the unique shape of the scales that cover their wings to go undetected by bats.
There are five different species of Hummingbird Clearwing Moths in the United States. Unlike most moths that are active at night, these members of the sphinx moth family fly during the day, making them much easier to observe than their nocturnal relatives.
It’s no secret that sloths move slowly. In fact, they move so slow, unique assemblages of insects can actually take advantage of their pace and align…
In this corner, weighing in with approximately 700 different species in the United States … the Butterflies. And in the opposite corner, weighing in with…
Out on a run on a spring day only a stone’s throw from the Flathead River on the watery outskirts of the town of Hungry Horse, I have stopped for a moment…
Glenn Marangelo of the Missoula Insectarium will join Annie for a 'Pea Green Boat' all about moths of Montana, Wednesday, August 30 at 4 p.m.They'll talk…