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Montana politics, elections and legislative news

Legislature hears human trafficking education bill

A bill on human trafficking education in Montana’s public schools is moving its way through the Legislature.

Browning Dem. Senator Susan Webber’s bill would mandate human trafficking education. Schools currently choose whether to provide those lessons.

Webber said this education is particularly important for Indigenous communities, which have higher rates of missing people. But she hopes it would help every community in Montana

Department of Justice Supervisory Agent Andrew Yedinak said education is key in combating the issue, especially in rural communities.

“If we don't educate our kids on what to look for and the dangers that exist, unfortunately, they're susceptible to falling prey to that. My caution is to not fall into the naivety that things like this can't happen just because it's a remote rural area. Trafficking exists all over,” Yedinak says.

The bill has moved its way out of committee, receiving bipartisan support and support from the Office of Public Instruction.

Montana Public Radio is a public service of the University of Montana. State government coverage is funded in part through a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Victoria Traxler is MTPR's Rural Policy Reporter.
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