MontanaPBS Producer Breanna McCabe talks about her upcoming film Ghost Forests, which follows the efforts to save the dwindling population of whitebark…
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that it’s proposing federal protections for whitebark pine trees.At least one environmental group…
I first visited Glacier National Park in June. Though winter had only recently loosened its grip on the Crown of the Continent, there were blue skies and…
After a wildfire, forest managers know that a forest can and will bounce back on its own. Still, the U.S. Forest Service doles out millions of dollars…
Winds lash the peaks. Snow pelts the ridges almost every month of the year. The warmest average monthly temperature is a mere 50 degrees F. The conifer…
Whitebark pine is a species on the brink of endangerment. If whitebark go, several species of wildlife, including grizzly bears, will lose a significant…