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Briefs: Employment rate; Record oil & gas sales; New DCI leader

State unemployment rate is below national average
John Hooks | Montana Public Radio

Montana’s unemployment rate was 3.2% in November. That’s a full percentage point below the national average. According to the State Labor Department, November was the 41st consecutive month below 3.4%, continuing a state record.

Montana’s Labor force lost around 800 people in November, that includes job losses and retirements. The hospitality sector added the most jobs. The industry grew by 800 jobs in November and 1,800 over the last quarter. Construction lost the most jobs — 500 in November, and 1,100 this quarter.

Montana's oil & gas lease sales hit record level
Ellis Juhlin | Montana Public Radio

The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation saw a record setting number of oil and gas lease sales on state public lands in the last four months. The sale of leases across 21 tracts of land in Fallon, Richland, Roosevelt, and Toole Counties has generated $5.4 million in revenue.

All income from the sale or lease of state public lands are used to fund public schools.

The state’s Land Board approved of the sale on December 16th. The Land Board is made up of the Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Commissioner of Securities and Insurance and the head of the Office of Public Instruction.

New leader takes over at the state Department of Criminal Investigations
Elinor Smith | Montana Public Radio

The state’s Department of Criminal Investigations has a new leader. Lee Johnson took over as the department’s administrator following the retirement of former department head Bryan Lockerby earlier this month. Johnson has worked for DCI for 31 years. Attorney General Austin Knudsen says he’s confident Johnson has the knowledge and experience required to lead the agency. Johnson began his career with the department in 1993 as a major crimes investigator and says he is honored to take over the position.

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