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Wildfire, fire management and air quality news for western Montana and the Northern Rockies.

Montana Wildfire Roundup For August 26, 2016

Crews on the Roaring Lion Fire conduct a burn out operation on August 25, 2016
Jim Flint/Inciweb
Crews on the Roaring Lion Fire conduct a burn out operation on August 25, 2016

The latest on wildfires around western Montana.

Last update 4:40 p.m. 08/26/16

The Copper King Fire, burning on just over 22,000 acres east of Thompson Falls, has new closures in effect.

“We do want to just step up the suppression efforts, and in order to do that, closing off this area will just make it that much more safe for the public, and easier for the fire crews to do their work,” says Fire Information officer Christi Powers.

Here is an area closure map.

Over the next three days, the Copper King is expected to continue moving towards Weeksville.

Update: 10:29 a.m. 08/26/16

Crews fighting the Bierney Creek Fire outside of Lakeside have made progress in mopping up hot spots and small spot fires.

Officials say that after seeing increased fire activity on Monday, crews are attentive to any heat that may be gathering on the forest floor.

The fire remains at 60 acres with 115 personnel working. Residential roads are only open to occupants at this point, many of whom are returning to their homes.

The 30,300 acre Maple Fire in Yellowstone National Park is causing crews to start burn outs and traffic monitoring near West Yellowstone.

After a cooler day yesterday, the fire behavior was minimal. However if the warming and drying weather pattern continues, crews expect for the fire to be pushed parallel to Highway 191. Currently, no structures or roads are threatened.

The Copper King Fire 8 miles outside of Thompson Falls and a mile north of Highway 200 has reached 22,087 acres. There are still 45 residences in evacuation and 130 on standby.

Yesterday crews continued burnout operations with the intention of neutralizing potential pockets of fuel. Officials say there was a 10-acre spot fire that burned on the northeast perimeter of the fire yesterday, but was immediately attacked by firefighters.

Helicopters dropped over 160,000 gallons of water yesterday. There was one helicopter that experienced technical difficulties and was forced to land unexpectedly. There were no injuries.

Today, crews intend to strengthen and reinforce their defensive lines along Highway 200 and the ACM Road. Fire activity is expected to be minimal today. Over the next three days the fire is expected to continue moving towards Weeksville.

Below is a new map of area closures.

The most recent closures around the Copper King Fire, as of 10:00 a.m. on August 26, 2016
Credit Inciweb
The most recent closures around the Copper King Fire, as of 10:00 a.m. on August 26, 2016

There has been minimal fire activity on the Roaring Lion Fire outside of Hamilton. Firefighters stationed in the Ward Bowl area have been recalled after burn outs have been called successful and complete.

Although aerial resources are still being dispatched on the east and southeast perimeters, officials are confident that fires will not reignite on the perimeters that are now considered secure.

The uncontrolled western perimeter of the fire will continue to show activity.

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