As the nation faces an epidemic of opioid drug abuse after a decade of aggressively prescribing narcotics , Montana doctors are becoming more cautious…
Montana’s Board of Medical Examiners is learning more about how doctors treat pain and prescribe pain medicines as they grapple with the state and…
When Bob Mason decided to end his life with a self-inflicted gunshot, his pain helped him pull the trigger.Mason died in January. He was 67 years old. His…
Over the past two decades, the rate of overdose deaths from prescription painkillers known as opioids has quadrupled in the United States. Federal…
Today state lawmakers heard from chronic pain patients who want to reform Montana’s policy regarding access to pain medications like opioids.Casey Brock…
A group of pain patients testifying before state lawmakers Friday says Montana has become a hostile place for people who suffer from chronic pain. Casey…
Mistletoe, a parasitic plant that grows on a wide range of host trees, shows up on every continent but Antarctica - and on each continent, it's been used…
December 7th & 9th, 2013: Willow, the original source of aspirin, is still prescribed by herbalists, particularly for urinary tract infections and muscle…