When most people picture the Silver Bow Creek corridor in the middle of Butte, they think of a forgotten drainage ditch and an industrial wasteland.But…
On Thursday, August 30, about 60 people huddled around tables in the backroom of the Butte Brewing Company, not drinking, but pouring over maps of the…
This week, locals in Butte will have another chance to help design what the major creek corridors in town will look like after the Superfund cleanup is…
Under the Superfund cleanup deal currently being negotiated for Butte, most of the historic mine waste lining the Upper Silver Bow and Blacktail Creek…
This week, locals in Butte will have a chance to help shape the designs for what the major creek corridors in town will look like after the Superfund…
Tuesday night the Environmental Protection Agency organized what it called a “public availability session and workshop” in Butte to give locals a…