Too often, policy debates in Washington, D.C. devolve into partisan fistfights. Each side becomes so focused on landing a punch that they forget why they…
The death of a congressman in 1945 and a federal judgeship appointment in 1969 triggered Montana's two previous special congressional elections like the…
An Open Letter to the President-elect:Perhaps we can help you bring us together on the most important issue facing humankind. More than 97% of climate…
My commentaries try to call for a common sense perspective in our government and politics. While I approach things from a progressive or liberal bent, in…
I respect all who are “feelin’ the Bern.” Bernie Sanders has best articulated the challenges of the economically repressed American middle-class, helping…
I am an active Democrat. I know little about how Montana Republicans select the delegates to their national presidential convention, but do understand the…
The Department of Interior recently announced a comprehensive review of federal coal leasing and a pause in most new leases. This has been done twice…