As winter faded into spring and the last remnants of snow remained in shadowy patches atop higher peaks, I wandered into the Rattlesnake Wilderness,…
When it comes to the topic of evolution Charles Darwin is "the man." In 1859, his book, On the Origin of Species provided compelling evidence that…
"The 'tree of life' that we have believed in as the picture of evolutionary history, ever since Darwin, is not entirely wrong but drastically incomplete…
The Food Guys discuss the "Thrifty Gene Hypothesis," proposed in 1962 by geneticist James V. Neel, which prompted investigation into a genetic and…
"My way of learning was never through a book - it was always through experience. Going out and finding things and thinking about them is basically how I…
5/25/14 & 5/26/14: This week on "Fieldnotes:" "Mont-Africa," by Camille Barr."Africa and Montana are two locations in the world with extremely high mammal…