Type 1 diabetes is "a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy" (Mayo Clinic). There's no cure for type 1 diabetes. So what does a kid with this disease do everyday to keep himself healthy? It's complicated! And how does his family help him? And how does he explain insulin injections to his friends? This week, Annie talks to Robby, and his dad, Bob, about what it's like to live with type I diabetes.
Pea Green Boat provides a unique and nurturing place to hear stories about how it feels to be excluded, mocked, and bullied because you’re different, in color or ability – or how it feels to be accepted despite those differences.
What does Montana’s limited ethnic and cultural diversity mean to the social development of the state’s children? Nearly 90% of Montana’s children have little reason to learn, to think, or to act beyond their individual experience as a member of the majority. Episodes in the Kids Like You and Me series can help build empathy and teach compassion and acceptance. The program can also be a resource for parents, caregivers, and teachers to help begin and moderate relevant conversations.

Funding for this episode of Kids Like You and Me was provided by Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities at the University of Montana. The RIIC provides services, training, and research that supports the independence, inclusion, and participation of people with disabilities.