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Kids Like You And Me: Hearing Loss

"The Pea Green Boat" provides a unique and nurturing place to hear stories about how it feels to be excluded, mocked, and bullied because you’re different, in color or ability – or how it feels to be accepted despite those differences. This week, Annie talks with 9-year-old Dutch about his hearing loss and how he felt when he discovered he was different. She also talks with Dutch's mother and his speech language therapist about teaching Dutch to advocate for himself.

Programs in the Kids Like You and Me series can help build empathy and teach compassion and acceptance. The programs can also be a resource for parents, caregivers, and teachers to help begin and moderate relevant conversations.

Greater Montana Foundation

Support for MTPR is provided by the Greater Montana Foundation – encouraging communication on issues, trends and values of importance to Montanans.

Chérie Newman is a former arts and humanities producer and on-air host for Montana Public Radio, and a freelance writer. She founded and previously hosted a weekly literary program, The Write Question, which continues to air on several public radio stations; it is also available online at and
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