While some species are white, creamy, or black in color, most velvet ants are red or orange …a coloration that’s a warning.
First one, buzzing and bumping into the living room window, who was soon joined by a few sisters. Within an hour, there were more than 40 sinisterly striped yellow jackets (Vespula alascensis) zooming from one window to another in pursuit of light, and I was outnumbered.
Pollination is a game of give and take …insects visiting flowers for the reward of nectar and plants using insects to transport pollen for fertilization. They both benefit from the interaction. But that’s not always the case.
Learning to identify different wasp species can be challenging, but it’s not brain surgery.Well…actually, in this case it just might be.We’re talking…
Nectarless orchids are masters of mimicry and can appear and smell identical to other nectar-rich orchids. Thus, they draw pollinators into their flower,…
Glenn Marangelo from the Missoula Insectarium will be on "Pea Green Boat" on Thursday, July 28 to teach us about Ichneumon Wasps and Robber Flies. All…