Multiple efforts are underway to study the historic population crash among trout in the Jefferson Basin. One non-profit is starting a private research effort at the Big Hole River that they hope will supplement work being done by the state.
The director of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) committed the full resources of the department in response to a historic population crash in some of southwest Montana’s most iconic trout fisheries.
Outfitters, conservationists and citizens have been sounding the alarm about rapidly declining trout numbers in southwest Montana’s Upper Missouri Headwaters for years. But demands for the state to dedicate more resources to studying the problem largely fell on deaf ears.
Montana could lose as much as 35 percent of its cold-water trout habitat by 2080, a new study says.
The annual restriction bars fishing between 2 p.m. and midnight from the dam at Ennis Lake to the confluence with the Jefferson River each between July 15 and August 15. The Fish and Wildlife Commission will hold a meeting for public comment on the issue Thursday.
malfunctioning gate that lets water out of Hebgen Dam just west of Yellowstone National Park caused flows into the Madison River to plummet early Tuesday, according to dam operator NorthWestern Energy.
The proposed Montanore copper and silver mine in the Cabinet Mountains has experienced another setback. A state district court judge found Friday that a…
Nature is a powerful economic driver here, and livelihoods depend on cold water and healthy fish. People know it’s warming, but few will say that's…
The recent fish kill in the Yellowstone River is painting a picture of Montana in national headlines that’s a little different than what the state’s…
Peoples’ love of polar fleece and yoga pants could be contributing microplastic pollution into the water supply.A Bozeman-based group will launch a…