A flag's primary purpose is to be recognized from a distance. That means few colors, no lettering and a clear distinction from other flags. Ideally, it should be simple enough for a child to draw it from memory. So, how did Montana end up with such a complicated flag? Learn more in this episode of The Big Why.
A handful of business owners and advocacy groups Wednesday testified in support of a Montana bill that would create a state run system to fund family and medical leave. Business association lobbyists oppose the proposal.
Public school students in Montana may miss out on roughly $800,000 in federal aid for laptops, masks and educational services amid the coronavirus…
A state-funded preschool program has been rejected by Montana lawmakers. The state remains among only a few in the country without publicly funded…
Helena high school students who organized to do something in the wake of the Parkland, Florida school shooting 13 months ago presented a bill to Montana’s…
HELENA — Montana employees, including those who are self-employed, could receive paid medical or family leave through a statewide fund if a new bill…
Remember back in March, when high school students in several towns across Montana staged marches against gun violence? The marches began a month after 17…
U.S. Senator Jon Tester, facing a tough re-election campaign this year, is hoping women voters will give him the push he needs to be elected to a third...
Montana could soon dial back laws that allowed defaulters to have their professional and driver's licenses revoked after failing to pay back debt.
A Montana law that allows the state to revoke peoples’ drivers licenses for defaulting on their student loans appears headed for the scrap heap.On Friday…