Front Row Center

‘Apsáalooke Women and Warriors,’ an exhibit curated by the Apsáalooke community

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‘Apsáalooke Women and Warriors’ celebrates the prominence of women, daring feats in battle, unparalleled horsemanship, and innovative beadwork. Image taken from the Field Museum (Chicago) website.

Lauren Korn speaks with Michael D. Fox, the Curator of Cultural History at the Museum of the Rockies (MOTR: Bozeman, Montana), to talk about one of the museum’s current exhibits: Apsáalooke Women and Warriors.

From the MOTR website:

The Apsáalooke people of the Northern Plains are known for their bravery, artistry, and extravagance. Celebrate the prominence of women, daring feats in battle, unparalleled horsemanship, and innovative beadwork. Alongside historical war shields and regalia, contemporary Native American art highlights how this bravery and artistry is alive today.

Apsáalooke Women and Warriors explores the history, values, and beliefs of this Native American community known for their horsemanship, artistic pursuits, and matriarchal ways of life, and honors the tradition of “counting coup” - performing acts of bravery. Visitors will learn about Apsáalooke origins, cultural worldviews, and the powerful roles that both women and warriors hold in the community through a unique mix of traditional objects and contemporary Native American pieces from the perspective of guest curator Nina Sanders, [an Apsáalooke woman herself].

Museum of the Rockies is honored to be the first museum in the world to host Apsáalooke Women and Warriors outside of the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.

The exhibition is jointly organized by the Field Museum and the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society at the University of Chicago. Museum of the Rockies is a guest on the ancestral lands of the Apsáalooke, Tséstho’e, and Séliš peoples.

To learn more about this exhibit, go to the MOTR website here; or go to the Field Museum website here.

Lauren R. Korn holds an M.A. in poetry from the University of New Brunswick, where she was the recipient of the Tom Riesterer Memorial Prize and the Angela Ludan Levine Memorial Book Prize. A former bookseller and the former Director of the Montana Book Festival, she is now an Arts and Culture Producer at Montana Public Radio and the host of it’s literature-based radio program and podcast, ‘The Write Question.’