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Watch: Sapphire Trio Live From Studio B

The Sapphire Trio at Montana Public Radio, July 6, 2018.
The Sapphire Trio at Montana Public Radio, July 6, 2018.

The Sapphire Trio is Maxine Ramey, clarinet; Margaret Nichols-Baldridge, violin; Jody Graves, piano. They joined us to play live from Studio B, July 6, 2018. Here they are playing part of movement 4 of "Sunny Days" for clarinet, violin and piano by Rick Sowash.

From The Sapphire Trio website:

"The Sapphire Trio was formed in 1998 to explore both the standard and newly created literature for clarinet, violin and piano, bringing to the concert stage the master works that exist in the repertoire.  The artists are university faculty members from the Pacific Northwest-USA, and are active as soloists, chamber musicians, master teachers and clinicians, appearing regularly in performances and festivals throughout the Northwest region, the United States, and abroad.  Their concerts feature a wide range of repertoire from Arutiunian to Schickele, and often include multi-media presentations."

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