Montana’s Supreme Court has ruled in favor of mobile home park tenants, saying landlords cannot terminate their leases without cause.
The case grouped two suits where mobile homeowners sued their landlords for ending leases and providing them with only 30 days to vacate the lot. Many mobile home owners rent the land underneath their homes.
In a 6 to 2 vote, Montana’s Supreme Court ruled landlords must provide due cause for canceling a tenant’s lease.
Democratic Representative Johnathan Karlen brought legislation during the 2023 session to create a bill of rights for mobile homeowners.
"Unlike someone living in an apartment who can pack up their stuff in a U-haul and move, people living in mobile home parks, it can cost tens of thousands of dollars to move the home, if it can be moved at all."
Karlen’s bill passed with bipartisan support but was vetoed by the governor this summer.
About 10% of the housing inventory in Montana is mobile or manufactured homes.