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Yellowstone National Park Bans Felt-Soled Boots And Waders

A woman stands in a stream fly fishing
Fly fishing

Concerns over aquatic invasive species have led Yellowstone National Park officials to ban the use of felt sole boots or waders and to set a boating season during which watercraft inspections will be available.

Park officials say rubber sole boots will be allowed because they trap fewer organisms and can be cleaned with water and a scrub brush.

The boating season will run from May 26 through Nov. 4.

All watercraft entering the park must have a boat permit and a Yellowstone aquatic invasive species inspection before launching in the park.

Watercraft subject to inspection include boats, canoes, kayaks and float tubes. Inspections will be available seven days a week at various locations in the park.

Yellowstone follows Glacier National Park, the Blackfeet Nation and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes in banning felt-soled waders. In Montana, boat check stations will start opening this month to catch boaters who overwintered down south and are now returning home.

MTPR's podcast on aquatic invasive species, SubSurface: Resisting Montana's Underwater Invaders, is available here.

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