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Montana politics, elections and legislative news

Should Some Of Montana's Budget Surplus Go To Higher Education?

Governor Bullock talks about UM's budget problems and the state's surplus during an interview with MTPR News Director Eric Whitney.
Governor Bullock talks about UM's budget problems and the state's surplus during an interview with MTPR News Director Eric Whitney.

In the ongoing debate over budget problems at the University of Montana, at least one faculty member has suggested that state government could be doing more to help the school. Late last month Biomedical and Pharmacy Professor Doug Coffin said Governor Steve Bullock placed too much emphasis on having a budget surplus and should instead send some of that money to higher education. MTPR News Director Eric Whitney asked Governor Bullock about that when he visited our studios Monday.

You can hear more of our Monday interview with Governor Steve Bullock here.

Eric Whitney is NPR's Mountain West/Great Plains Bureau Chief, and was the former news director for Montana Public Radio.
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