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Troy Downing 2020 Election Questionnaire

Troy Downing at the Republican Senate primary debate in Helena, April 26, 2018.

Montana Public Radio is gathering information on all statewide primary candidates to publish as a resource for our audience. We asked all the statewide candidates to respond to the following questions via email, limiting their answers to 300 words per question. These are their unedited responses.

State Auditor candidate Troy Downing:

What is your full name as it will appear on ballots?

Troy Downing

What is your age?


Where do you live?


What is your education background?

New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences: Research Scientist, Instructor

What is your current occupation?

Business Owner, Entrepreneur, and Investor Troy has built a nation-wide commercial insurance company, had a successful career in investment banking, and commercial real estate investment securities. Troy has been licensed both through FINRA in the securities industry and in insurance. Troy will work hard to protect the Montana consumer while allowing entrepreneurs in these industries to thrive. Downing has created multiple businesses in multiple industries, including Insurance and Securities, and has created hundreds of jobs. Troy Downing is also an owner of a Bozeman based distillery that has been a leader in protecting Montana’s frontlines, first responders, medical care professionals, and critical industry by producing and delivering critically needed hand sanitizer during the Covid-19 outbreak.

In response to the questions below from Montana Public Radio, Downing responded with the following statement, which appears unedited.  

Why are you running for this particular public office?
What makes you qualified to hold this position?
What are three policy issues that distinguish you from your opponent(s)?
What are the greatest issues facing Montana that have gone unsolved by elected officials and how would you address them?

Troy is running because he has a unique background that is particularly suited for this office. He truly cares about service and continues to demonstrate that, from joining the military after 9/11, helping veterans, sitting on charity boards, and being a leader in the effort to protect Montana’s frontlines during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Troy has led a life of service and sees an opportunity to use his unique experience in building business, creating jobs, fighting for America, building teams, and years of experience in securities and insurance (the two industries regulated by the State Auditor’s office). As an experienced businessman in these industries, Troy has seen how bad actors can mislead and defraud consumers. As a business owner, Troy has seen how bloat in a regulatory agency stifles business without protecting the consumer. Troy is driven to continue his service to Montana, protecting consumers, making it easier for businesses to thrive, bringing in competition, increasing choices, and driving down the costs of health insurance.

Troy is excited about sitting on the Montana Land Board. With a deep appreciation of Montana’s beauty and resources, Troy will be an advocate for protecting access to public lands, while supporting farmers and ranchers who depend on state land leases. “Multiple-Use, Sustained Yield”, is meaningful. Multiple-use means sportsmen and recreational access, grazing, farming, timber, etc. Sustained Yield means, “do it in a way that you can do it forever.” Troy believes in stewardship- we can protect all that we hold dear, support the backbone of our economy, and raise funds for education.

Troy is dedicated to defending our Montana way of life and paving roads for all Montanans to pursue their American Dream. He will be a conservative voice for taxpayers, a strong advocate for transparency, and will work tirelessly to stop an expanding government from stifling prosperity with unnecessary and unreasonable regulations.

Troy is committed to lowering the costs of lifesaving prescription medications and working with families, doctors, and seniors to make healthcare work for every Montanan. Troy will fight for transparency in all things government.Transparency in agencies, in hospital billing practices, transparency in pharma pricing, and transparency in financial services. Through transparency, Montanans can have meaningful conversations about the insurance and investment products they pay for. This will drive better consumer pricing.

Troy also wants to streamline the regulatory environment. He would like to shepherd the agency’s culture to be pro-business while continuing to be staunch protectors of Montana consumers. Downing is committed to fighting high prescription drug and health insurance costs and implementing common-sense market-driven solutions.

As the Commissioner of Securities and Insurance, Troy Downing will hold bad actors accountable while getting the government off the backs of small businesses.

Finally, Troy wants to put together meaningful teams of representatives from educators and industry leaders who are affected by Land Board decisions. Troy will have a forum of representatives of those affected to discuss how decisions made by the Board of Land Commissioners can protect what we all hold dear, maximize income for public education, and promote an industry that depends on trust land leases to thrive.

Troy Downing is a man of service and integrity. From his military career, his support for veteran organizations, and now ultimately, as the Conservative candidate for State Auditor. Downing has the plans, experience, and record of service that trump any other person, from any party, running for this office.

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